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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: ARMS HANGING OUT OF CAR WINDOWS

For the last two years or so, during warm weather months I've noticed scores of people riding around with a window rolled down and their arm hanging out of the vehicle window. Sometimes they perform hand movements, such as making dolphin like wave motions. I've even seen a few Truckers rolling down the highway with the driver's window down and their arm hanging out. Most of the people who do this seem to be in their 20's or younger, although I do see a few older people doing it.

CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT ? Is it a fad created by a TV show or movie ? If so, which TV show or movie ?

I quit keeping up with pop culture and what is currently "cool" years ago. I won't be driving around with my arm hanging out the window. I'd like to keep my limbs intact, as I have future plans for them... but I am curious about this fad. Can someone out there enlighten me ?

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June 20, 2011
Posts: 6

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`A former farm girl from Jersey reporting here-riding around with your arm out the window was the way it was always done on a farm truck. One hand on the wheel and one hand on the outside side mirror. Most men, still do it. Having the left arm tanner then the right one was expected if you were really working. And a farmers tan was absolute if you worked on a farm.

This is still common here. It may be part of a new fad or a cultural thing- I don't keep up with the latest culturl stuff- definitly not one of the Jersey Shore girls or Real Housewives of NJ

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June 20, 2011
Posts: 6

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`More thoughts on the matter

One reason I like driving on my job (4 wheeler) is it gives me time to think. I seem to have remembered the term truckers tan from some time ago. Makes sense like a farmers tan.

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